Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Castle Crashers

And like that the first review for the site is up. I decided on Castle Crashers a few months ago when talking to a friend about my previous problem on the Okami review. He suggested to try and review something a bit less complex and threw out Castle Crashers. Having played through the game together he knew I liked it and it was the perfect pace to get back into reviews.

Here ya go.

I really had a blast making this, just the 4 player capture session alone had some good moments. I wish I just had a mic in the room at the time, just posting our footage with the commentary would get more views than the review by far.

As you saw in the video My next review will be on Braid. I've done some preliminary work on it and it seems it'll be a bit shorter than this one as Braid is innovative and challenging but also rather simple in make. that actually sounds pretty good, might use that very line in the review.

Also, in the meantime, check back every once in a while as I might have updates on how the review in progress is going or just general speculation and discussion on current gaming news.

Edit: As mentioned in the review, all of the music playing is from the Castle Crashers soundtrack. If you're interested in downloading it all of the tracks are free to download on, Here's a page that has links to all of the individual files. Enjoy.

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