Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hey guys, Steve here. Just wanted to let everybody know that I'll be making a triumphant return! It's been nearly 8 months since my last review but I'm hopping back on. Unfortunately the gaming scene's going to be a bit dry until crackdown 2 comes out in July, but I think I'm going to make due and pick a game coming out in a couple weeks by the name of Toy Story 3. Not the biggest or most exciting title, but a sandbox style kids game should be interesting. Thank you by the way to all the new subscribers on Youtube. It's the positive feedback that's convinced me to come back. I look forward to getting started back up.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Hooray fans! We have another review up! I keep saying weekly but it looks more monthly than weekly. Fear not though as I believe the format will be weekly for definate now. This was a difficult for whatever reason. I just had too much I wanted to say and ended up not saying everything. no matter. I think it's another great review and I hope you all think so too.

Interesting possibilities on the horizon as this site may merge with the famed Ugly Couch Show. Also looking to launch a sister site dedicated solely to XBLA games. It's all a work in progress so give it some time and we'll have not only a large fanbase but also better content as a result. in the mean time check out the most recent review for WET.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Lost Planet 2 Preview

Hello all of you. Just dropping by really quick to post the other preview for this week. Hope you guys are nice and excited for it. Though it's Kyle's script for the preview, I too got a chance to play this demo and had a lot of fun with it. not as much fun as Wet but as I learned the controls and mechanics of the game it became quite fun to get in a mech with a shotgun arm and a rocket arn and fuck up the plaga salamander thing beyond recognition. Anyways, here's the video for you. We should have something up for you before too long.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wet Preview

Hello everybody. We finally have some new content on the site. after nearly a month with nothing I'v finally gotten off of my ass and started doing these things again. Today's feature is the first of what I hope to be many Previews based on demo releases. That is at least until I can get Robo Reviews on some advanced release lists. That will be a magical day friends. We have a couple more recorded that will make their way onto the site over the next couple of days as I get to editing together the footage. anyways, make sure to check out our review for this amazing looking title a short time after it's release on Spetember 15th. now without further stalling here you are.

Friday, July 31, 2009


Good god, it's been over a month since the last review. I'm very glad to have this one up. I could have gotten it done a couple of days ago but stuff gets in the way. You know how that goes...reader. A couple of announcements, first off I've invited a few more people to help contribute reviews for me to capture and edit together for the site so hopefully that'll mean more frequent reviews for you guys. Secondly, We have a Twitter page now. I'm not really big on the concept f Twitter but I think it works really wel for the reviews as you'll always know where I am in the review process. Thirdly, Though it's not up yet it should be soon, we will be doing a weekly Robo Reviews Podcast. Myself and fellow reviewer Kyle will talk about current gaming news, what we're playing how we feel about what we're playing. Basically getting you the scoop on several things early. I think it'll be a lot of fun. In the mean time, here's the new review I hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions or comments feel free to throw me a message at Have a blasty y'all!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Delays, Ugh...

Sorry about the lack of a review in the last week and a half. I have not found a good recent game to review. I've been checking the releases but the only big release as of late was The Bigs 2 and I'm not big on sports games. I do believe there will be a review up in just a bit though as a good friend of mine has announced the completion of a review. All I'll need to do is capture some footage and put the whole thing together. Until then though, just keep watching the old reviews until you can't stand them anymore.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

World of Goo

Hello to the fans, all 12 of you. I finally got this review done. Hooray! I had a couple set backs in the way of the magic review and also needing to go back and rerecord the voiceover after I realized the first one was just rushed and terrible. At this point the game is a bit older but it's still great. definantely check it out if you've got $15.

Oh and the link that I mention at the end of the video is right here. The soundtrack is really quite kick ass. nothing to listen to on the treadmill but It accompanies the game's style perfectly.

The review might be good to post now, here ya go.

Buy World of Goo on

Play Smart, Rent before you Buy

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bionic Commando

Hello everybody, I'm just a bit exhausted. I went over a month without a review and have now posted 3 in 9 days. This is of course thanks to my good friend and fellow reviewer Kyle who has been putting in a lot of time writing and recording reviews for me to edit and add to this growing site. Speaking of which, Kyle will soon be given editing privileges for this very site so that he can post what he's up to and the bits like this to accompany the review posts. Hooray! Anyways, I'll let you guys check out the review and add a bit more afterwards.

If you've not already noticed as well, we've made the full switch from "Robomuffin's Rubbish Reviews" to "Robo Reviews" I think it looks better and is a bit less cluttered. Also be sure to check out our new Facebook page. Not much to it just yet, but as I figure out how to use it, I think it could look pretty cool. I'm not sure if I'll go with a myspace page as it's a bit cluttered with ads at all times but I'll consider it.

Throw me a comment or email me at

Monday, June 22, 2009

Magic The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers

Hello everybody. Just finished up my most recent review and as you may notice it's not the World of Goo one which was promised.This I hope will do though. I was super stoked about this game and picked it up as soon as I could. To any newcomers to the site, if you're curious as to where everything is, just scroll down or there's a list of links on the right. Blogger is a bit tricky to find the perfect layout and I'm still working on it. anyways, here's the review for you, hope you enjoy it.

This will be the first time, though, that I don't have anything on my queue to review. I'll at some point be doing a Rock Band/Guitar Hero feature but I think I'll hold off on that until after The Beatles: Rock Band. If you have any requests of a game for me to review next, let me know. If I get multiple requests I'll put up a poll for a couple days and review the suggestion with the most votes.

As usual if you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them in the comment box or send me an email at

Thank you and good night!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New Play Control! Pikmin

Hello to all of you. All 5 of you. I'm back after...too long to post another review. It's not the World of Goo review that was promised as it still needs some work done on it. This is, though, the first review by hopefully soon to be regular correspondent to the site, Kyle. I think he did a fantastic job and can't wait to see more from him.

Here it is, enjoy!

As I said before, the World of Goo review will be up fairly soon, probably in a week or so in addition to the Lego Star Wars II Redux. I know the next few reviews I'll be doing but there's plenty of room on the queue for requests.

I also want to note here that I may from time to time post supplementary videos to accompany previous reviews. Over time expansions might come out, errors might be found, and opinions might change. Like, say I reviewed Transformers, If I'd written the review on the way home from the theater I would have told you it was the best movie in the world. A few months later after some time and further viewings I would post a supplement review to tell you that in addition to all of the good there is also a scene where they completely exit the battle between Bumblebee and Enforcer to show us a scene of the radio robot pulling off Shia LaBeouf's pants...and exactly how I felt about it.

As usual, comment or email me if you have any questions, comments, requests , or even insults. I'll more than likely respond as I love you all.

Peace out y'all!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

More Delays! Hooray!

Ok, so good news bad news. Bad news is I still don't have any new videos up. Alas. Good news is, though, I have the World of Goo script done, I have the Lego Star Wars Redux script transcribed from the original, and also another script is done, this though is not my own. I'm pleased to announce a new correspondent for the website. My good friend Kyle has a script done for a game and we're gonna try and get that up for you guys real soon. In the meantime, feel free to leave comments on the website or the videos themselves. Thank you very much.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

100,000 View Special Post

So it seems my original review for Lego Star wars II has reached 100,000 views. I would very much like to gloat but I have no idea how it happened. compared with my recent reviews, that one is just mega low quality. But in honor of that milestone I've decided to rerecord the vocals and repost it in HD. I've recently found the original files so It will just be a matter of rerecording the voice over The video will be identical to the first it will just look and sound better.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


It's funny, I had planned to announce that Wednesday would be the day the reviews would always be up every week, but go figure I had friends come into town and didn't get the review up for another 4 days. Nonetheless it's up now hope you guys enjoy it.

Check it out.

This one was a bit easier to capture footage for as a single playthrough takes about an hour and that got me most of the video I needed. Mind you this is with knowing how to solve all of the puzzles so don't think that you'll clear the game that fast o your first playthrough. I mentioned at the end that you can purchase the soundtrack online. It's one of the better soundtracks I've heard in a game like this so check it out. Here's a direct link to the page.

The next review will be for World of Goo. I'm a little worried to do 2 puzzle reviews back to back as they'll feel a bit similar in the end. we'll see though. Until next week, swing by every once in a while as I might just post whatever's on my mind concerning games and movies and other things. As always, if you have any questions or comment feel free to leave them here or email me at

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Castle Crashers

And like that the first review for the site is up. I decided on Castle Crashers a few months ago when talking to a friend about my previous problem on the Okami review. He suggested to try and review something a bit less complex and threw out Castle Crashers. Having played through the game together he knew I liked it and it was the perfect pace to get back into reviews.

Here ya go.

I really had a blast making this, just the 4 player capture session alone had some good moments. I wish I just had a mic in the room at the time, just posting our footage with the commentary would get more views than the review by far.

As you saw in the video My next review will be on Braid. I've done some preliminary work on it and it seems it'll be a bit shorter than this one as Braid is innovative and challenging but also rather simple in make. that actually sounds pretty good, might use that very line in the review.

Also, in the meantime, check back every once in a while as I might have updates on how the review in progress is going or just general speculation and discussion on current gaming news.

Edit: As mentioned in the review, all of the music playing is from the Castle Crashers soundtrack. If you're interested in downloading it all of the tracks are free to download on, Here's a page that has links to all of the individual files. Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Welcome to Robo Reviews

Hello everybody, as is obvious, this is the first post of what I hope to be many for this game review hub. I'll start with a bit about myself.

My name is Steven. I live in Henderson, Nevada and am a pretty big nerd generally speaking. A couple years ago I did a review on Lego Star Wars II. My brother had done a couple of reviews and I thought I'd contribute. I had a lot of fun doing it and planned the next review to be for Okami on the PS2. I found though when I had compiled everything I wanted to talk about I had written about 10 pages and was overwhelmed by the task. I didn't think much of it until recently when upon showing a friend the LSW review, I noticed it had more views than the few I thought it would get. I remembered how fun it was to do and figured that maybe if I was consistent enough I could maybe get some people interested and do this all the time but with input and views from other people. So I got some input from some friends and started on a review for something a little less overwhelming than Okami.

My current plan is for a review every week for any games I already played and 2 weeks for games that I haven't. If I get enough people requesting a review I'd be more than glad to do so. As you can see the site is but a Blogger at the moment but if I can get some people watching the reviews regularly I'll try to put something up on that looks like a website. My ultimate goal is to eventually let anybody submit reviews in any form and have sort of a review database. This will be a ways away though so I'm just going to keep reviewing games and hop you guys enjoy them.

If you have any questions or comment, feel free to drop them in the comments section or throw me an email at

I've finished my next review and should have it up soon so in the mean time here's that Lego Star Wars II review I was talking about before. Mind you I didn't have access to a good mic back then so the voiceover's a bit awful.